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Cardiac markers are used in the diagnosis and stratification of risk in patients with chest pain, suspected of having an acute coronary syndrome. Cardiac troponins, in particular, have become the preferred biomarkers for patients with ACS. The use of troponin as a “gold standard” biochemical marker has rapidly led to an increase in the number of patients […]

Cluj-Napoca 3 - 5 Iulie 2019 Organizat de scoala medicala clujeana, Congresul Interdisciplinar de Medicina de Urgenta isi propune sa impleteasca diversitatea informatiilor medicale bazate pe dovezi. Prezentarile si moderarea discutiilor legate de subiectele abordate au fost sustinute de: Sef Lucrari Dr. Adela Golea. Simpozionul organizat de Synttergy Consult a avut urmatoarele teme: Actiune urgenta […]

October 31 – November 3, 2018, International Hotel Baile Felix The conference, already at the 10th edition, intends to open a new decade by switching to a new format, with different activities and renowned lecturers, but respecting the same principle: the conference is a forum that allows the exchange of ideas and experiences among all rescuers. […]

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