Ultimile stiri

09 - 12 octombrie 2019, Amfiteatrul din Ambulatoriul integrat al Spitalului Universitar de Urgență Militar Central "Dr. Carol Davila" Spre deosebire de alte manifestari stiintifice consacrate, Conferinta Nationala Zilele SUUMC aduce alaturi, in primul rand, colegi din structurile Ministerului Apararii Nationale, dar si pe cei din institutii similare, din cadrul sistemului de securitate nationala. Synttergy […]

08 - 12 mai 2019, Centrul International de Conferinte Sinaia Anul acesta s-au sarbatorit 45 de ani de existenta a Societatii SRATI si implicit o istorie de 45 de ani de Congres SRATI, o perioada in care specialitatea de anestezie si terapie intensiva s-a dezvoltat enorm si in care istoria Societatii SRATI se suprapune peste […]


The need for a rapid etiological diagnosis is today one of the most prominent clinical needs unfulfilled in the field of severe bacterial infections.  A short time until the test results are available to the doctor is among the factors that influences the overall prognosis of these patients.

Presepsin (sCD14-ST) is part of the non-specific immune system. In case of bacterial infection, the Presepsin serum levels will increase. Presepsin is a reliable, sensitive and specific sepsis marker, whose serum levels will be highlighted earlier than other biomarkers. More, the Presepsin level is an important tool in the diagnosis of sepsis and allows stratification […]

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