UNYVERO – molecular biology platform for the rapid diagnosis of severe infections in critically ill patients

The need for a rapid etiological diagnosis is today one of the most prominent clinical needs unfulfilled in the field of severe bacterial infections.  A short time until the test results are available to the doctor is among the factors that influences the overall prognosis of these patients.

Pneumonia and sepsis are probably the two most important infections that require the shortest possible time to get a result (TTR). The use of standard microbiological techniques based primarily on methods that require the cultivation of germs on culture media, offers a result after 24/36 h from harvesting the biological product. Introducing alternative techniques, based primarily on DNA amplification tests, has recently changed the diagnosis approach for a large group of severe infections. Moreover, the use of DNA amplification tests has made it possible to insert the so-called "syndromic approach" into the microbiological workflow. The syndromic approach is based on the ability to detect more than one germ among a group of potential pathogens. This new technique has changed the perspective of addressing diagnostic tests from "trying to identify the responsible germ" in "tell me which germs are potentially responsible for the infection." This diagnostic approach has also proven to be effective in terms of speed, because the time to get the result is reduced to less than 6 hours. The presentation below describes the most recent multiplex PCR application for the diagnosis of severe infections and provides an understanding of the clinical meaning and usefulness of the results.

See here how it works

Description Unyvero Panel
