- Measured tests: ACT, aPTT, PT/INR
- Sample volume: <50µl of blood
- On-screen or printed results
- ACT+ results are not affected by hemodilution or hypothermia
- Portable
- Cuvete pentru determinarea ACT - tip ACT+. Sensibil la niveluri de heparina cuprinse intre 1 - 6 U/ml. Pentru centrele de chirurgie cardiovasculara
- Cuvete pentru determinarea ACT - tip ACT-LR. Sensibil la niveluri de heparina cuprinse intre 0 - 2,5 U/ml. Pentru centrele de cateterism cardiac, hemodializa, hemofiltrare si ECMO
- Cuvette for the determination of PT/INR. Used for monitoring the oral anticoagulant treatment in Emergency Departments, Intensive Care, Cardiology and Neurology
- Cuvette for the determination of aPTT. Sensibil la niveluri de heparina curpinse intre 0 - 1,5 U/ml. Util in UPU, ATI, chirurgie, cardiologie si neurologie
There are more Hemochron systems in the hospitals around the world than any other Point-Of-Care coagulation systems