The days of the Central Military Hospital

09 - 12 octombrie 2019, Amfiteatrul din Ambulatoriul integrat al Spitalului Universitar de Urgență Militar Central "Dr. Carol Davila"

Unlike other established scientific manifestations, SUUMC Days National Conference bring together, first of all, colleagues from the structures of the Ministry of National Defense, as well those from similar institutions, within the national security system.

Synttergy Consult a participat la acest eveniment cu simpozionul intitulat “Troponina - Dilema noastra cea de toate zilele". Temele dezbatute au fost:

  • Does the patient have POSITIVE troponin? Is hospitalized in cardiology!
  • Does the patient have POSITIVE troponin? Is not hospitalized in cardiology!


  • Col. medic Asistent universitar Dr. Alice Munteanu – Medic primar Cardiologie - Spitalul Universitar de Urgenta Militar Central “Dr. Carol Davila”
  • Lt. col. medic Dr. Silviu Ionel Dumitrescu – Medic Sef Sectie Cardiologie - Spitalul Universitar de Urgenta Militar Central “Dr. Carol Davila”
