45th Congress of the Romanian Society of Anesthesia and Intensive Care

08 - 12 mai 2019, Centrul International de Conferinte Sinaia

This year celebrated the 45th anniversary of the SRATI Society and implicitly a 45-year history of the SRATI Congress, a period in which the specialty of anesthesia and intensive care has grown enormously and in which the history of SRATI Society overlaps the history of Romanian medicine.

Synttergy Consult a participat la acest eveniment cu simpozionul intitulat "Time is life" in infectiile severe. Temele dezbatute au fost:

  • "Time is life" in infectiile severe
  • A call to action for antimicrobial stewardship in the emergency department
  • Multirezistenta bacteriana in sectii de terapie intensiva; necesitatea metodelor rapide de diagnostic


  • Prof. Dr. Diana Cimpoesu – Medic Sef Sectie UPU-SMURD Iasi - Spitalul Clinic Judetean de Urgenta “Sf. Spiridon” Iasi
  • Prof. Dr. Dorel Sandesc – Medic Sef Sectie ATI - Spitalul Clinic Judetean de Urgenta "Pius Branzeu" Timisoara
  • Prof. Dr. Monica Licker - Medic Sef Sectie Bacteriologie - Spitalul Clinic Judetean de Urgenta "Pius Branzeu" Timisoara