October 31 - November 3, 2018, International Hotel Baile Felix
The conference, already at the 10th edition, intends to open a new decade by switching to a new format, with different activities and renowned lecturers, but respecting the same principle: the conference is a forum that allows the exchange of ideas and experiences among all rescuers.
Synttergy Consult participated at the event with the symposium titled "Critical Patient: The Synergy of Rapid Methods in the Emergency Department". The topics debated have been:
- News in European Emergency Medicine Guides
- Presepsina - biomarker al raspunsului inflamator
- Algorithm 0/1 h in NSTEMI. How can it help in current practice
- Benefits of rapid syndrome testing for critical patients
- Prof. Dr. Diana Cimpoesu – Medic Sef Sectie UPU-SMURD Iasi - Spitalul Clinic Judetean de Urgenta “Sf. Spiridon” Iasi
- Conf. Dr. Luciana Rotaru – Medic Sef Sectie UPU-SMURD Craiova - Spitalul Clinic Judetean de Urgenta Craiova
- Conf. Dr. Adela Golea - Director Medical - Spitalul Clinic Judetean de Urgenta Cluj-Napoca
- Dr. Yoann Personne - Director Departament Stiintific, Curetis GmbH